Monday, February 16, 2009

Toxoplasmosis in Maldives

How do we get Toxoplasmosis?
It can cause severe illness and blindness .
The most common mode of infection is through consumption of food and drinks contaminated with the bug. In the Maldivian context, cats are probably the main animal host. Infected cats excrete Toxoplasma bug in their feces. Certain birds may also get infected and pass the bug in their fecal droppings. Common path ways of infection:
1. Rain water collected from roof tops contaminated with cat feces and bird dropping.
2. Household pets such as cats, poor personal hygiene after handling the pet and after cleaning its litter may contaminate food and ingestion of the disease causing bug.
3. Infected pregnant woman passes the infection through the placenta to the unborn child
4. Infected cats excrete Toxoplasma bug in their feces. Certain birds may also get infected and pass the bug in their fecal droppings.

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